The previous KMS (and repeated at CO visits) was a video of a JC with a brother getting a "worldly" girl pregnant. The decision was to disfellowship. This KMS picks up the story (same "actors") with an appeal committee going through the case and upholding the decision. Fast forward 6 months and there is an reinstatement application (he has moved to the other side of the US). This is rejected. Two points - what message do you think they are trying to put across (BE STRICTER, LESS MERCIFUL). More importantly, can you guess which issue was never mentioned once in any of the 3 videos. The fact that he had responsibilities towards the girl and child never even registered as being worthy of a mention. Says it all about how the GB really view people.
The video about conducting the watchtower was fairly basic (is it normal to have comfy chairs like you'd find in a living room for the reader to sit on?) - nothing that hasn't been covered in recent circuit visits, so pointless.
There was no mention of tight pants, but NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.